Monday, February 2, 2009

Obama Status Check

So far ... just a couple of weeks into (at least) the next four years of an Obama presidency we are getting a good idea of what's in store and it has an ominous feel ...

  • Closing Gitmo. It's clear if you listen to news outside the US that there are lots of people that don't like our POW policy in Gitmo. Fair enough. But if you are going to take steps to close it, perhaps having a plan on what to do with some very dangerous individuals as a first step would be a good idea.
  • The $850 billion "bailout". Income tax refunds for people who don't pay income taxes; pork, pork, and more pork; most of the money included in the "bailout" program will not be spent for a couple of years; very little in the program will actually go to stimulating job growth in small businesses.
  • Same old, same old. It's funny to listen to the democrats complain about corruption and greed but when it comes to democrats, the bar is suddenly lowered.
  • Foreign policy. Nice letter to Iran; nice interview on Al-Arabia. Word is they were impressed.

Hopefully things get better from here.

1 comment:

m - dos said...

I think that train already left the station. Ain't gonna happen. We are stuck with an Obama presidency for at least 4 years.